2021 Meeting Minutes

2021 Annual Meeting, March 9
January 28, 2021

February 18, 2021
March 18, 2021
April 15, 2021
May 20, 2021
June 24, 2021
July 15, 2021
August 19, 2021
September 16, 2021
October 21, 2021
November 18, 2021
December 16, 2021

2021 Annual Meeting for Wanamingo Township March 9

The Wanamingo Township Annual Meeting was called to order at approximately 8:05 PM on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 by Clerk Tamra Berg. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Gregg Erickson made a nomination to appoint Kerry Olson as the Moderator.  2nd made by John Hegseth.  Kerry Olson will act as the moderator.  Election judges; Rae Rusnak and Kerry Olson  will count the ballots.

The 2020 meeting minutes were read by the clerk.  Motion by John Hegseth to approve. 2nd by Gregg Erickson.  Motion carries.

The 2020 Financial Report was read by the clerk. Motion by Rae Rusnak to approve. 2nd by John Hegseth.  Motion carries.

Deputy John Harris gave a report on the Sheriff’s Dept. activities.  He stated a lot has happened in 2020.  There is a Code Red alert system which you can sign up on the Sheriff’s website.  Crime is up in Red Wing.  The County’s 170 bed jail had closed 60 beds prior to COVID due to staffing costs.  The 60-bed area is being refurbished.  They sent a Bear Cat vehicle to St. Paul during the rioting. They are using an internet search device to find child predators. Thefts are occurring in the County. It was asked if DNA can be used to find the thieves. DNA can be hard to recover and can be contaminated, along with a backlog at the BCA.  Rae asked about theft rings.  The deputy said burglaries are hard to investigate. Rural areas are easy targets with thieves coming from the Cities. He said we should lock our doors and use cameras. There was also a homicide in Cannon Falls.  A fire with a death in Holden Township. Habitual criminals are out there. Be aware and don’t be afraid to call about suspicious activity.  Gregg thanked the deputy for their assistance at SEMA. Deputy stated that law enforcement is not broken but the judicial system needs to support them.  There are new bills being discussed at the Capital, use of force and qualified immunity. Suicide calls will be treated differently and if they are aware of a dangerous person, they cannot order them to stop.  The Deputy was thanked for the update and for the Dept.’s hard work.

County Commissioner Todd Greseth introduced himself.  He stated COVID has been a big issue for the County.  Goal is to keep everyone safe. The garbage issue is in court as the haulers have sued. Co. 1 ditch project is being worked on. Tamra mentioned the Hwy 52/Hader interchange and would like the County to keep the residents informed.  Todd was thanked for attending.

Fire Dept.: The meeting was held via Zoom with John and Nancy Hegseth attending.  The fire dept. is required to replace fire suits per OSHA. The 1990 pumper is being worked on.  They still got donated ticket money from the canceled dance.  COVID money has helped.  E-gambling is crazy now in 2021. They plan on a 2021 dance.

Ambulance: Gregg Erickson replaced Len Feuling and will also be on the Executive Board. A 3rd ambulance should be here the 2nd week of April. No increases are expected. There were less calls at the start of COVID.  22 calls in Wanamingo Township.  The organization is solvent with 25 employees. Ryan Holm is a good director. They have a good relationship with Cannon Falls.

Zoning: Rae Rusnak stated they continue to work on revisions to the 2000 ordinance.  The goal is to match our ordinance titles with the County’s. They plan to meet in April.

Road & Bridge: Kerry Olson reported that we have had culvert projects with one on 425th that needs to be completed. We will need to have a couple more done. The 63rd Ave. bridge replacement (by Richard Berquam’s)  is scheduled for 2022. The 90th Ave. bridge (by Kenneth Lee’s) will also be replaced in the near future. It is in the process of being surveyed. The Cherry Grove bridge replacement on 460th St. which is on the town line road has started. We were able to get our rock early in 2020 and have extended the 2021 contract with Kielmeyer’s.  Looking for a March 15 delivery with rock from Hernke’s pit as the Foss pit is not open yet. The Ag Partner’s road (110th Ave.) needs work. The township plans to submit a written proposal to them for financial assistance due to the heavy truck traffic from them. We’ll have to get the road built back up. The township has paid off the tractor.  The grader is still working, and we’ve been able to keep the repairs to a minimum.

The Local Board of Appeals will be Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at 3 PM at the Town Hall

Upcoming projects: Hwy 52/Hader Interchange has been pushed back to the fall.  63rd Ave Bridge in which we’ve had to pay $20,000 towards engineering fees. The Cherry Grove (110th Ave) Bridge in which we will have to pay $10,000 for our ½ of the engineering fees. We have not incurred any fees for the 90th Ave Bridge yet.

Donation requests:  Motion by Rae Rusnak to donate $1000 to the Goodhue County Fair.  2nd by Tamra Berg.  Motion carries.  Motion by John Hegseth to donate $400 to the Goodhue County Historical Society. 2nd by Gregg Erickson. Motion carries.

Levy:  Board is recommending keeping the same total amount as the previous year.  General $30,000, Road and Bridge $145,000,    Fire $22,000, Total $197,000. Motion by Gregg Erickson to keep the 2021 levy the same as 2020. 2nd by Rae Rusnak. Motion carries.

Motion by Tamra Berg to keep the bounties at $1 per gopher and one half the cost of bait and $20 per coyote. 2nd by Nancy Hegseth. Motion carries.

Motion by Tamra Berg to hold the 2022 elections and the annual meeting on the second Tuesday in March of 2022 which is March 8 with elections from 5 PM – 8 PM and an 8 PM meeting. 2nd by Rae Rusnak. Motion carries.

Other Business: none

Election results: 12 total ballots cast with 1 spoiled and 2 absentee. Supervisor: Tom Shane: 9 votes, Lars Romo: 1 vote, 1 blank. Treasurer: Nancy Hegseth: 10 votes, 1 blank.
Motion by John Hegseth to adjourn the meeting 2nd by Gregg Erickson. Motion carries.  Meeting adjourned at 9:38 PM
Wanamingo Township January Meeting Minutes
    January 28, 2021

**This meeting had been moved from January 21 to January 28 due to a scheduling conflict. This change was published and posted**

The January meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:34 PM on Thursday, January 28, 2021 by Chairman Tom Shane.  Members present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd  by Tom.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Nancy said that Josh Lyon has not cashed check #4395 from Sept.  Tamra will ask Josh about that.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  

Present Bills:  Tom questioned why more money ($9,098.00) is spent on Erickson Engineering for bridge L0698 (63rd Ave.).  Wondering if that is due to the bridge revisions requested by Richard Berquam.  The township will get a “refund” from the County when the total amount for the bridge engineering fees and construction exceed $20,000.  Kerry had spoke with the County and they are still waiting for a signed deed from Richard Berquam.  Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Tom to pay remaining bills.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.
Building Permits: none

Old Business:
    Maps done for County for mileage: ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Road Updates: Kerry has been plowing snow.  He also spoke with the Hjermstad’s concerning the ditch by their yard getting tore up.  He will take care of it in the spring.
    Board of Appeals Online Training ends Feb. 1 and Tom said he will get it done
    Kerry has piled snow on the west end of the minimum maintenance road by Len Feuling’s.  He said the new homeowner; Jeff Engstrom, on the east end has put his own gate up as he prefers not to have any traffic come through there.
New Business:
    John discussed information about LRIP that was in the MAT magazine.  This is a grant program to fund a road improvement project.  Townships are eligible to submit a project and receive funding. They must work with the county road engineer to submit an application.  Kerry has talked to the County Engineer as this would be a good way to get 110th Ave. updated to a 10 ton road and possibly tar it.  The road has heavy traffic usage from Ag Partners from both the north and south end and is “flattening out”. Tamra gave the application form to John and Kerry and they will see what information is needed to complete it.  Deadline is March 3, 2021
    Dec. calls for service were 23
    Kielmeyer sent a letter requesting an extension on the 2020 quote for the 2021 season.  Kerry made a motion to accept the extension of Kielmeyer’s 2020 contract for the 2021 season.  2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.
    Ames Construction which is bidding on the Hader interchange had approached Kerry looking for compactable fill.  The scope of what would be needed was quite significant and Kerry told them there was nothing available in Wanamingo Township.
    Tamra had emailed the County concerning the status of the Boyum Pit and was told it was effectively closed since they never renewed any of the mineral extraction permits, and they never got a township permit either.  Most mining permits remain in place until reclamation is complete and the requests that came up in 2017 were not followed through by Bruce Boyum.  The County will be following up on this.
    We will need to hold a Board of Audit at the Feb. 18th meeting.
    March 9, 2021 Annual Election and Meeting:  Any concerns with COVID or holding the meeting in-person? Board felt that due to the small number of residents that attend and with no pressing issues an in- person meeting can take place.  Information from MAT states you must hold the meeting on that date but you can do a continuance if there are any big issues that would need more resident input.
    Absentee ballot supplies can be picked up on Feb. 1
    Board of Appeals is scheduled for April 14, 2021 at 3 PM
    2020 W/2’s have been printed and distributed.

Motion to adjourn by John and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township February Meeting Minutes
    February 18, 2021

The February meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, February 18, 2021 by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  

Todd Greseth, who is the newly elected County Commissioner, was present to discuss the LRIP (Local Road Improvement Project) program.  He stated the townships would need to work with the County.  Kerry let Todd know that our township did investigate the program but felt that having to pay for our own engineering fees might make the project too expensive to pursue.  Kerry has spoken with a board member of Ag Partner’s asking for financial assistance for the road maintenance of 110th Ave. as that road receives heavy truck traffic from Ag Partner’s.  Todd also stated the County is working on getting the COVID shots out to the community.  Todd was asked how he felt things were going and he said he was learning a lot.  He said he will try to make it to all the Annual Meetings in his district on March 9.  

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Kerry to pay remaining bills.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.

Building Permits:  Tamra had received an email and a phone call from Kari Boyum concerning a replacement building permit.  She stated her parents had gotten a permit from the township in 2003 but elected to build elsewhere.  Tamra informed Kari that Wanamingo Township has a zoning ordinance from 2000 that states a new dwelling would need to be ½ mile from the nearest feedlot.  Where she wants to build is too close to Jerry Quam’s feedlot.  Tamra contacted Kelsey Petit (Feedlot Officer) and was sent an image that clearly shows the building site is less than ½ mile from Quam’s.  Tamra was not sure how Kari’s parents got the permit in 2003 and tried to look for any documentation at the town hall. Tamra was able to find several building permits from Steve Boyum, but none appeared to be specific to what Kari stated.  John Hegseth said he had gotten the same email from Kari.  Board stated Kari needs to contact the Township Zoning board on this.  John will let Kari know that.

Old Business:
    Maps done for County for mileage: ongoing.
    Planning & Zoning: If contacted by Kari Boyum the Zoning Board could meet on March 10, we would generally meet on the 2nd Tuesday but that is the Election and Annual Meeting.  Tamra would just need to make sure to post a notice.
    Road Updates: Kerry put new lights on the grader.  He has been getting the snow off the road and has placed gravel on the slick spots.  The maintenance man from Vasa township asked Kerry if he could check out our snowplow so Kerry showed it to him.
    Board of Appeals:  Tom completed it, but he did not receive a completion form.  Tamra let Lavon Augustine know that.

New Business:
    Jan. calls for service were 27.
    Tom asked Gregg Erickson if he would be our township’s rep. for the Zumbrota Ambulance and Gregg agreed to do it.  Gregg will attend the meeting on Feb. 23 at 7 PM
    Saturday, March 6 from 10-noon the clerk’s office will be open at the town hall for absentee voting with Monday, March 8 as the last day to apply for an absentee ballot.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 is the Annual Election from 5 PM – 8 PM with the meeting to follow.  Motion by Tom to appoint Kerry Olson, Rae Rusnak and Dorothy Hjermstad as election judges and Tamra Berg as head judge.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  
Items to discuss at the annual meeting: Road report by Kerry, Fire Report by John, Ambulance report by Gregg, Planning and Zoning by Rae, Upcoming Hader interchange.
Will need to get the township website minutes current.
Tamra had received information concerning the Hwy 52 project.  They have addressed Darryl Logan’s concerns and it appears 114th Ave will have only one access point.  They were not sure if it would be from Hwy 57 or County 8 yet.  How will the township be able to plow this?
    Annual Goodhue County presentation was emailed to Tamra on Feb. 5.  The County Dept.’s each gave a presentation.  Tamra forwarded the email to the other board members.
New Omni Ballots machines have been ordered to replace the AutoMark machines.  Cost will be $3200, and County will store them.
    Wanamingo Fire Dept. Zoom meeting was Monday, Feb.1 at 7:30.  John and Nancy said it only lasted about 30 mins.
Tamra has received a request for a donation from Goodhue County Fair Board
The supervisors reviewed the Board of Audit with treasurer and clerk locating random canceled checks and deposits selected by the supervisors. Reporting forms and statements were reviewed.  Tamra pointed out to the board that the cash on hand is more than what the CTAS program states.  She believes this is due to the information entered for the Plow truck loan.  She will call MAT for assistance.

Motion to adjourn by John and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 7:06 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township March Meeting Minutes
    March 18, 2021

The March meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, March 18, 2021 by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.

Present bills: John made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by Tom.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by John to pay remaining bills.  2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.

Building Permits:  John emailed Kari Boyum on Feb. 19, 2021 informing her that she needs to contact the clerk concerning the building permit.  Tamra did not hear anything further from Kari.  Brad Froyum contacted John Hegseth and Tamra Berg with regards to the email Kari Boyum had sent concerning the 2003 building permit her parents had gotten from the township.  Brad had sent Tamra copies of the permit information from 2003.  Again, Tamra could not locate that information at the townhall.  Tamra did send Brad the aerial map from Kelsey Petit (Feedlot Officer) showing that the property location is within ½ mile of Jerry Quam’s feedlot which would make that site unbuildable per the Wanamingo Township Ordinance from 2000.

Reorganization Meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Shane at 6:04 PM.  Separate reorganization meeting information is filed. No significant changes were made.  Regular meeting continued at approx. 6:10 PM

Old Business:
    Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: Meeting is scheduled for April 13
    Road Updates: Kerry reported that he plowed snow on March 15 so he couldn’t put down any rock.  He will get the rock down as soon as he can.  He will work on 420th St. and 410th St.  He will also put something together to present to Ag Partners requesting some cost share assistance for 110th Ave. due to the heavy truck traffic.
    Board of Appeals scheduled for April 14, 2021 at 3 PM.  Tamra will send out a reminder.
    Needed to sign agreement for L0624 Bridge (90th Ave.)

New Business:
    Feb. calls for service were 20
Road Inspections will be held on Monday, April 12 at 8 AM.  It was brought up that if someone wants to have the road maintained by themselves what would be involved.
We should have road agreements with neighboring townships reviewed.  We do have an updated one from Cherry Grove Township.
Bruening (Jim Zweiner) contacted clerk about rock bids and Tamra informed Jim that we were extending the 2020 contract with Kielmeyer for 2021.
Annual Election results:  Tom Shane; supervisor with 9 votes. Lars Romo; supervisor with 1 vote, 1 blank.  Nancy Hegseth; treasurer with 10 votes, 1 blank;  11 total votes were cast.  
Tom made a motion to donate $1000 to the Goodhue County Fair Board and $400 to the Goodhue County Historical Society.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.
Kerry made a motion to certify the township levy as discussed at the annual meeting with    General $30,000 Road and Bridge $145,000 Fire $22,000 Total $197,000. 2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.
Tom made a motion to accept the resolution to offer a bounty of $20.00 per coyote and a $1.00 bounty per gopher plus ½ cost of bait. 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  
Motion by John to approve March 8, 2022 for the township annual election and meeting with same voting and meeting times as 2021.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.    
    Spring Short Courses are all virtual with no cost.  Check the MAT website for more information.  John and Nancy have registered.     
    Tamra has delivered the Automark voting machine to the County as we will be getting a new machine later in the year.  
    Tamra has gone through the election materials and destroyed those that were over 22 months old.
    Tamra located resolution 03-1 defining what constitutes “Minimum specifications” for public roads that abut a parcel upon which a residential dwelling is proposed to be built.

Motion to adjourn by John and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township April Meeting Minutes
    April 15, 2021

The April meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, April 15, 2021 by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  

Building Permits: Jason Bauer was present to apply for a building permit for a 2-car attached garage for Bruce Wold.  Supervisors reviewed the information.  Motion by Tom to approve the building permit.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  Eric Swiggum was present to apply for a 16,000-bushel grain bin permit.  Motion by Tom to approve the permit.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.

Deputy Jen Hofschulte introduced herself as the Community Engagement Coordinator for the Sheriff’s Dept. and stated she will be meeting with townships to let them know what is going on in the County.  She said they have been having a lot of catalytic converter thefts in the area due to the high value of the metal in them.  The Sheriff’s dept. is working with local garages to have the converters spray painted or etched with the license plate of the vehicle.  This would be a means of deterring the thieves and a way that they can prove they were stolen.  She also said there is a community engagement site on the County’s website.  The Board informed her that we have multiple cameras installed at the townhall.  She suggested we have them registered with the Sheriff’s dept. as this can help them gather information in an investigation when any crime is committed in the area.  The Board thanked Jen for coming and for the Sheriff department’s continued hard work for the Goodhue County residents.

Discussion concerning the status of bridge L0698 on 63rd Ave. The County cannot continue with the project until the deed has been changed to Richard Berquam.  It appears this project will not take place in 2021.  The township has spent a considerable amount of money towards engineering fees and worked with Mr. Berquam to make adjustments to the engineering plans per his requests.  The township will not recover any funds above $20,000 until the project is completed.  The current bridge is posted as 3 ton and as such could pose a danger to traffic crossing it.  Tom said he would visit Mr. Berquam and find out where he is at with this.

New resident Jeff Engstrom was present as he lives near the minimum maintenance road on 420th St. Way.  Tamra had received an email from Scott Enzenauer with a photo attached showing the gate closed.  Scott said that Jeff had told him that the gate could stay closed per Kerry.  Tamra forwarded this information and photo to the supervisors.  Scott also called Tamra to state he does not want to see that road get abandoned by the township.  Tamra had also checked MAT and the gate does need to stay open when it is opened for the “season”.  Jeff’s concern was unnecessary traffic that was going by his property.  It was suggested that Jeff could get cameras and post signs so he could make sure the traffic was not on his property.  Minimum maintenance roads are usually opened by mid-April.

Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by Kerry to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Kerry to pay remaining bills.  2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.

Old Business:
    Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: Tamra, Rae, Hakon and Gary met on Tuesday, April 13.   Updates were given concerning Kari Boyum’s earlier request for a building permit on property that is too close to a feedlot.  No one has heard anything more from Kari on this.  Discussion on the reclamation process for the Bruce Boyum Pit.  County is involved with this. Tom made a motion to send a letter to Bruce Boyum stating he is in violation of the township ordinance for mining reclamation.  2nd by Kerry.  John abstains.  Motion carries.  Zoning board continues to make revisions to the 2000 ordinance.
    Road Updates: Kerry stated they held the annual road inspection on April 12.  He had a road sheet made up.  He has been working on 110th Ave (Soil Center road) as Kielmeyer had put rock down.  Fred Halverson told Kerry he wanted more work done by his driveway.  Kerry still needs to write up a proposal to present to Ag Partners along with a bill requesting financial support because of the heavy truck traffic from them.  Both minimum maintenance roads have been opened.  Due to deep ruts, Kerry had to run a disc through 420th St. Way.
 Board of Appeals was held on April 14, 2021 at 3 PM.  There were no residents who attended.  The assessor’s office will be doing site visits in Wanamingo Township this year.
John, Nancy and Tamra attended the Spring Short Courses remotely.

New Business:
    March calls for service were 24
    Tamra had a call from a resident concerning tires on 425th and a truck topper on 100th.  Kerry said he has picked up the tires but the truck topper was in the farmer’s field so that was left there.
Motion by Kerry to hire Josh Lyon to mow at the Town Hall for $40 a time.  2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.

Other Business:
    John stated that noxious weeds were discussed at the Spring Short Course for Supervisors.  This will need to be followed up on.  

Motion to adjourn by Tom and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township May Meeting Minutes
    May 20, 2021

The May meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, May 20, 2021 by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  Nancy expressed concerns about not having enough money in the regular checking to cover the bills.  Township will get the property tax funds in July.  Tom made a motion to move $70,000 from the money market into the regular checking.   2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Kerry to pay remaining bills.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Tamra has been in contact with the County concerning the Boyum pit and the fact that it has not been reclaimed.  This is a violation of both the township’s and the County’s ordinance.  The pit owner has one year once the permit expires to reclaim the pit.  Bruce Boyum has never held a permit for the pit.  The County is working on putting something into place.
    Bridge updates:  Tom had contacted attorney Steve Jorstad with regards to the 63rd Ave. bridge (L0698) but had not heard back from him.  It was brought up again that this bridge is posted as 3 ton and that would make it unsafe for any heavy traffic.  Tamra and Tom had gotten emails from Erickson Engineering with regards to the 90th Ave. bridge.  Tamra had spoken with Ethan Seaberg as we had a signed agreement with Widseth for this bridge.  Ethan said Widseth is handling the hydraulic part of it and the County will be doing the engineering as this is a simple bridge replacement.  Tom and Tamra had gotten an email from Compass Consultants relating to fiber replacement on the 460th bridge and if a permit was needed.  Tamra replied to them that no permit was needed.
    Road Updates:  Kerry has finished rocking the roads.  He is happy with the work done.  Now with the rain he can get out and grade.  He will need to cut shoulders.  He also needs to spray or mow the noxious weeds.  Chloride needs to go down.  400th St. should not need any chloride this year but we’ll see how it looks next year.  The culvert by Birdeen Thorson’s needs to get finished up.  Kerry has been working with Kent Billman for the excavation work.  90th Ave. had a hole in the culvert but Peine’s who rent the field nearby took care of it.  Kerry needs to correct the pan.  Need to check 63rd by Perrson’s.  Noxious weeds are blooming.

New Business:
    April calls for service were 35
Will set up the camera registry for the township with the Sheriff’s Dept.
    Tamra has heard that the township will be getting some American Rescue Plan dollars
    Thank-you notes have been received from Goodhue County Fair Board and the Goodhue County Historical Society for the township’s donations
    Tamra had a call from Dorothy Hjermstad concerning ruts at Co. 1 and 408th.  Upon inspection it looks to be on the County side.  Tamra had passed the information to Ethan Seaberg.
The County will address when they make their road and culvert inspections.

Other Business:
    Tamra and Kerry drafted a letter to be sent to Ag Partners asking for financial assistance in the upkeep of 110th Ave.  Motion by Tom to send the letter as written along with the rock bill to Ag Partners.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Letter is on file.  Kerry will hand deliver the letter and bill to one of the board directors.

Motion to adjourn by Tom and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:11 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township June Meeting Minutes
    June 24, 2021

**This meeting was rescheduled from June 17 to June 24 due to a scheduling conflict.  Notice of the change was posted**

The June meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, June 24, 2021 by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by Tom to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Nancy will have to move some funds from the money market account into the regular checking in order to cover the bills.  
Bill from Kielmeyer to cover half the cost of town line road (460th) with Cherry Grove was unexpected.

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Tom to pay remaining bills.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Bridge Updates:  Tom had previously spoken with Steve Jorstad who is the attorney handling the deed issue with Richard Berquam and Steve is working on this.  Tom had called Greg Isakson with the County and was told there is a strong possibility that the bridge project (L0698) 63rd Ave. could be completed yet this year as the County is working on a bridge in Kenyon Township and would be in the area.  Tom will keep in contact with Jorstad.  460th Bridge is completed (town line road with Cherry Grove).  Our board thought it was narrow.  90th Ave. has nothing going on.  Culvert by Birdeen Thorson’s should be done by tomorrow (June 25).  Kerry will work on the pan.  Discussion on how to handle the sharp curve by Paul Pearson (66th Ave and 410th St).  Would like to ask Pearson if a tree could be removed.  Berg’s own the land opposite the curve and Tamra didn’t think there would be a problem to add fill.  This corner is difficult for the grader and the snow plow to maneuver and the homeowner’s mailbox is in the way as well.
    Road Updates:  Kerry did a topcut.  He will put on the bat wing to get at the weeds.  He said spraying needs a lot of documentation and notifying of the landowners.  Kerry has noted which road ditches have a lot of noxious weeds.  Biggest concern is the wild parsnip.
    No further updates on the Boyum pit issue.

New Business:
    May calls for service were 21
County has sent out an email showing what we would be getting from the American Rescue Plan.  Tamra had forwarded that email to the supervisors. We need to follow up as to find out what those funds can be used for.
MNDOT sent an email stating they will be starting the 3-year road construction project along Hwy 52 between Cannon Falls and Zumbrota on July 5.  There is a public meeting scheduled in Zumbrota at the VFW on June 24 from 6–7:30 PM Open house style. Tamra will attend this following the township meeting.
460th Bridge is completed.  Cherry Grove township can wait till July to receive Wanamingo’s $10,000 payment towards its cost.
Have received an Automark bill from ES&S but we turned that machine into the County so the County is aware and said not to pay it.

Other Business:
    No payment has been received from Ag Partners for half the cost of rock for 110th Ave.  Kerry will follow up with this as he had been told that the board did approve the township’s request.
    Kerry talked with Cherry Grove and was told they had not received any rock last year so all of their roads need to be done this year.  

Motion to adjourn by Kerry and 2nd by John.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:19 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township July Meeting Minutes
    July 15, 2021

The July meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, July 15, 2021 by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  The property tax money has been received.  Amount is $111,402.01.  In 2020 it was $90,141.82.  This increase would be due to the levy increase.

Note: Tamra was unable to print the claims list so she had the supervisors sign the individual claim for each bill submitted.

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Tom to pay remaining bills.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.  

Jenny Foss (40 Acres Trail) had the chloride removed by the grader.  She applies it herself and would like reimbursement.  Kerry said he will get this taken care of.

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Bridge Updates:  Tom was told by Greg Isakson that they intend on replacing bridge (L0698) 63rd Ave.  Nothing to report on the bridge for 90th Ave.  Cherry Grove has been paid.
    Road Updates:  Kerry has been grading.  Culvert is completed by Birdeen’s.  Ag Partners paid for the 110th Ave. rock directly to Kielmeyer so we will have a credit coming.  Kerry will get some rock down by Tom and Chad’s.  Tom feels our township roads are in good shape.  John was wondering about spraying.  Should get it done in the fall when the crops are out.  Kerry will see what chemical would work the best.  After some discussion the board decided they will build a sprayer with used parts to be put on the tractor.
Tamra attended MNDOT’s Open house on June 24 and talked with Brad Anderson and Greg Isakson concerning 114th Ave.  With only one entrance from Hwy 57 and no way to turn the grader or the snowplow around what are the options for the township?  Township could give the road to Pat Flom who is the lone resident or Brad suggested the township could make the road a minimum maintenance road.  Board has decided to wait and see what happens as construction will not occur until 2022.
    Tamra watched the webinar on the American Rescue Plan through MAT.  Biggest take away is that townships should apply for the money and worry about what it can be spent on later.
It was mentioned that townships should be increasing their levy by at least 4% every year due to inflation.  They also said not to donate money to the local fire and ambulance departments as those groups would be getting their own funds.  Motion by Tom to apply for the American Rescue Plan dollars.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.

New Business:
    June calls for service were 22
    Tamra sent a get-well card to Doug Kielmeyer from the township.
Will have to check on the signage issue by Tom and Chad’s for 70th Ave.  When the annual road inspection was done in the spring no notations were made on the status of the road signs.  Fyi, Avenues run north to south with Streets running east to west.
    District 4 Meeting (which includes 9 counties) will be held Wednesday, August 4 at the VFW in Zumbrota with dinner at 6:30 PM and the meeting to follow.  Our district is hosting.  They are also looking for 2 township officers to replace Todd Greseth and Allan Larson.  Currently; President: Jeff Traxler, Treasurer: Lorin Pohlman, Secretary: Steve McNamara.  Tamra will attend.
    Hwy 52 road construction to begin July 14 starting in the south end of Zumbrota and will work its way north.  Hwy 60 bridge replacement to start late July early August.    

Other business:
    It was mentioned that Lowell and Kate Peterson (County Rd. 44) are living in their new house and per the township’s ordinance they are to remove the old one.  Tom was going to talk with them as he thought they may be waiting for Shane Electric to cut the power to the old house.

Motion to adjourn by Tom and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township August Meeting Minutes
    August 19, 2021

The August meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, August 19, 2021, by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  

County Commissioner: Todd Greseth, was present to give an update on county issues.  The Waste Management garbage issue has been upheld by a judge and they sided with the County and Red Wing, there may be an appeal.  There may be a hauler that comes out of Olmsted if there is enough interest for them to go further north.  Next week the county budgets will be discussed.  Todd wants zero increases due to all the extra covid money the county received.  Todd reminded the other commissioners that there are other residents in the county besides those living in Red Wing.  There will be a sand pit in Cherry Grove Twp. and a large solar farm by Les Schliep with revenue from the solar farm estimated to be $1000 an acre per year.  Concerns about reclaiming that farm land.  Kerry asked about #7 off Hwy 52 but Todd was unsure of that.  Nancy informed Todd that when the county had replaced the guard rails by her house the crew had left a mess.  Todd said he would let Public Works know that.  The Ditch 1 project has also been a challenge for the county and Kenyon township.  Todd said to let him know if there is anything that he needs to address.  The board thanked Todd for taking the time to attend our meeting.

Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Kerry to pay remaining bills.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.  

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Bridge Updates:  Ethan Seaberg had contacted Tamra about the 63rd Ave. bridge (L0698) wondering about the status.  Tamra then left a v/m with Brad Anderson to see if he knew anything.  Tom said he would also contact Steve Jorstad.  90th Ave bridge is still as is.
    Road Updates:  Kerry has been doing general road maintenance.  He has put 5 loads of rock on 408th Way (Tom and Chad’s).  Kerry feels the roads look good.
    Tamra attended the District 4 Meeting (which includes 9 counties) held on Wednesday, August 11 at the VFW in Zumbrota. The American Rescue Plan was the topic of conversation.  They are also looking for 2 township officers to replace Todd Greseth and Allan Larson.  Current officers are President: Jeff Traxler, Treasurer: Lorin Pohlman, Secretary: Steve McNamara.
    Update on the Peterson house being removed (County 44 Blvd):  Tom stopped in to talk to them.  They said the cost to remove is $10,000 and they cannot afford it.  Tom told them that our township ordinance states removal after 3 months of occupation of the new house.  Lowell said he was told one year by the county.  Our ordinance is stricter.  Kerry has checked with the Wanamingo Fire Dept. to see if they could burn it as a training exercise.  The house has asbestos and that would need to be removed.  Tom will go with Lowell to meet the Fire Chief Brian Gutknecht.  There would still need to be permits and the process may take a couple months
    Update on status of Pearson corner (66th Ave and 410th St):   Kerry and Kent Billman checked out the corner.  There is a 4-way power pole and a large tree that needs major trimming.  The culvert needs to be relocated.  Approx. cost is $4000 plus cost of pipe and fill.  Road will need to be closed for a couple days.  Kerry will also need to talk with the Pearson’s.  There is a tile line coming off the Berg property that will have to tie into the culvert.  This culvert reconstruction should allow for the grader, snowplow, dump trucks and farm equipment to be better able to navigate the corner without any issues.  Motion made by John to proceed with the culvert repair at 66th Ave and 410th St.  2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.

New Business:
    July calls for service were 20
    Township has received a bill ($977.23) from Frontier on damage to their box by James Wilkus’ driveway.  Tamra had let Kerry know about this and he went to the location and took a picture.  It looks like that area is mowed with a regular mower.  Picture was shown to the other supervisors who agreed that the township mower would not have mowed there.  Tamra will notify Frontier and send them the picture as well.
    Greg Berg placed dirt on an existing field approach off 66th Ave.  Kerry would like to talk to Greg about this as Kerry felt a culvert may be needed.
    Tamra received a Broadband survey for the Blandin Foundation concerning challenges with broadband in our area. There will be a conference on Sept. 16 in Owatonna to discuss broadband.  Comments from the board were that our area has poor internet service.  Tamra thought she could attend.

Other Business:  none

Motion to adjourn by Kerry and 2nd by Tom.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:53 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, September 16, 2021, at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township September Meeting Minutes
    September 16, 2021

The September meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, September 16, 2021, by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.

Goodhue County Sheriff’s Deputy Jen Hofschulte stopped in to check to see if there are any issues in the township that anyone is concerned about.  She reported that there have been thefts in the area.  Catalytic converters are still being stolen.  She was told that the local car repair shops are not marking or etching the catalytic converters.  She said there are other towns that are offering it, but she was told our residents would like to patronize their local businesses.  She will check on this.  She stated that if we see anything suspicious to report it.  The Board thanked her for attending and for her service.

Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Tom to pay remaining bills.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: Tamra will suggest to that Board that a demolition permit be attached when a township building permit for a replacement dwelling is issued.
    Peterson house:  Lowell Peterson has met with Wanamingo Fire Chief Brian Gutknecht concerning the burning of the old house on his property at 7307 County 44 Blvd.  He would also be applying for a grant.  The township will send the Peterson’s a formal letter informing them that they are in violation of the township’s zoning ordinance which stated they were to have removed the old house three months after taking occupancy of the new house.
    Road Updates:  Kerry has been doing general road maintenance.  He has started fall mowing.  Frontier Phone has marked their lines by the culvert replacement at 66th and 410th.  Kerry called Gopher One again to mark it as their initial markings were poor.  Kerry talked to Cindy Pearson to let her know that the township will be replacing the culvert at the end of her driveway.  There is a large tree that needs trimming, and he will stack the wood for the Pearson’s to use.  Road will need to be closed during the culvert replacement.  Kerry needs to talk with James Berquam about trimming some trees that are encroaching on the township road by his home and also inform him of the road closure.  Kerry plans to get the culvert work done next week,  He can get fill from Hader Farms.  Kerry has talked with Mathiowetz Construction concerning 114th Ave. and the fact that it will no longer be a throughfare.  County Commissioner Brad Anderson has also been made aware of the township’s concern in maintaining this road.  Tom stated that 100th Ave. got graded by mistake which removed some chloride.  Will wait and see if rain helps otherwise Kerry said he will get it fixed.  
Bridge Updates:  Kerry and Tamra met with Richard Berquam so he could sign the easement agreement for the 63rd Ave. bridge (L0698).  The project should be done in the spring of 2022.  The township may be getting the cost overrun money sooner than later.
American Rescue Plan has an Oct. 4 deadline.  Tamra is working on the paperwork.
    An email and picture have been sent to Frontier with regards to their $977.23 bill on damage to their box by James Wilkus’ driveway stating the township did not do the damage.
    Kerry has checked the field approach on 66th Ave where Greg Berg placed dirt and did not see any water on the road after a large rain.  He thought he would just shave it off a little.
. There will be a conference on Sept. 16 in Owatonna to discuss broadband.  No one attended.  Will see if we are sent any follow-up information.

New Business:
    August calls for service were 25
Update on Boyum Pit:  The County has sent letters to Bruce Boyum with no response.  They will have to have one hand delivered.  The County may have to resort to legal measures if Mr. Boyum continues to ignore the fact that he is in violation of both the County’s and Township’s mining ordinance regarding reclamation.
    No one attended the virtual 2021 MAT Educational Conference on Sept. 9-11.  
    Township has no need for 2022 Sealcoat and Bituminous with Goodhue Public Works
    Tom made a motion to write up a support resolution for requests for radio purchases using Goodhue County’s ARPA dollars.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.
    Tamra let the County know that the township would use Emmanuel Church for an alternate election location.
    Tamra sent an email to Randy Shoen with Mathiowetz Construction concerning a request for a material change on Hader Trail that stated the Township Board is okay with the change.

Other Business:
    John mentioned the issue of noxious weeds in abandoned pastures.  What is the process?  Who acts as the weed inspectors?  Need to check on this.  Weeds are seen in the pasture owned by Ryan Amundson.  He should be sent a notification letter.  Tamra will check the MN Dept. of Agriculture website for more information on this.  
    The custom-built sprayer to be used by the township is still being built.

Motion to adjourn by Tom and 2nd by John.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021, 2021, at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township October Meeting Minutes
    October 21, 2021

The October meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, October 21, 2021, by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Tom to approve the minutes. 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by Tom to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  Nancy did mention that we received the 1st installment of the ARPA dollars which was $23,861.74.  This will be noted on next month’s treasurer’s report.  She will also put those funds into the money market account so they can be kept separate.

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Tom to pay remaining bills.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage:  ongoing
    Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Road Updates:  Kerry stated that the general road maintenance continues.  75% of the fall mowing is done.  The 66th and 110th culvert replacement is completed.  The township will burn the wood from the tree that was cut as the homeowner can’t use it.  No extra fill was needed.  A new mailbox was installed in a different location by Kerry.  The improvements made at that corner turned out very well and will help with road and farm equipment usage.  Kerry said he needs to talk to James Berquam about trimming some of his trees on 63rd Ave. as they are encroaching onto the township road.
    Bridges:  No money has been received yet from Bridge L0698.  The township should receive approx. a $14,000 overpayment refund for upfront fees that were paid for engineering costs.  Tom will contact County Commissioner Todd Greseth to ask him about it.
    Peterson house:  Lowell Peterson called Tom.  He stated that the fire department was supposed to look at the old house on 2 occasions but never showed up.  He then received the formal letter from the township stating they were in violation.   They will proceed with demolition and plan to have it done by the end of the year.
    Weed Inspections:  Tom got a call from Vanessa Amundson wondering who was worried about the weeds on their property.  Tom informed her that the township along with the County must make sure the weeds are taken care of and don’t cause any issues with adjoining property.
    Boyum Pit:  Another call was made to the County to find out the status.  County said they will have to have a letter delivered to Bruce.

New Business:
    September calls for service were 36 – majority were traffic stops
    Township Levy Information has been sent to the County
    Motion by Tom to accept and send a support resolution that the County’s ARPA funding be used for requests for radio purchases. 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.   Resolution is on file.
    Omni Ballot equipment: Township received the bill for the equipment.  The County will house voting equipment so we could then remove from our insurance.  Tamra did train at the County as she will work as an election judge for the referendum.
    2020 Census Population is 395
    Township Road Mileage Certification form shows 39 miles.  County also wants to know about town line agreements with adjoining townships.  We do have agreements with Cherry Grove and Holden but not sure about Leon.  Tamra will ask Leon if there is one.  Tamra and Kerry will have to review the township’s road map.   The County is offering to have the roads surveyed with GPS.  We should already be on their list.
    School Referendum vote Tuesday, Nov. 2 at Community Center in Wanamingo.  Tamra will post information at the town hall so residents will know where to go.

Motion to adjourn by Tom and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:28 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, November 18, 2021, 2021, at 5:30 PM
 Wanamingo Township November Meeting Minutes
    November 18, 2021

The November meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, November 18, 2021, by Chairman Tom Shane.  Member’s present were Supervisors; Tom Shane, John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by Kerry to approve the minutes. 2nd by John.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by John to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by Tom.  Motion carries.  Nancy mentioned that only one check that was issued from the October meeting was on the October bank statement.

Present bills: Tom made a motion to pay Kerry.  2nd by John.  Kerry abstains.  Motion carries.  Motion by Tom to pay remaining bills.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage:  There was discussion about the roads that the township maintains.  Tamra and Kerry will need to review the township roads on a map and we will need to give that information along with copies of our townline road agreements to the County.  Leon township was seeing if they had one on record as Tamra has not come across one.
    Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Road Updates:  Kerry stated that the roads are good.  John had received a call from Owen Steberg that he had caused some damage on 100th and attempted to repair it.  John told Owen he appreciated the call.  Kerry was aware of the damage and completed the repair.
    Bridges:  Tom had spoken with Greg Isakson at the County and he was told that they had not received the signed easement for bridge L0698 from us.  We would not be able to be reimbursed until the County gets the paperwork and puts out the bids for the project.  Tamra had sent the paperwork to Ethan Seaberg after she and Kerry had Richard Berquam sign the papers so she will follow up with Ethan.
    Boyum Pit:  An email was sent to the County to find out the status.  

New Business:
    October calls for service were 27
    John made a motion to close the minimum maintenance roads by Dec. 1, 2021.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.
    Motion by Tom to pass a resolution to designate the Wanamingo Town Hall as the official polling place in 2022 for elections.  2nd by Kerry. Motion carries.
    Ready for snow?  Kerry is still using the grader.  The snowplow is ready.  The grader conversion to snow will only take a couple hours.    
    FYI: Worker’s Comp bill due 1/1/2022
    FYI: MATIT Worker’s Comp Audit Report due 1/31/2022
    County will purchase poll pads for 2022. ARPA dollars will be used.  This equipment will also be stored at the County.  Using them is supposed to be easier than a paper roster.

Other Business:
    Kerry said Arvid (contractor for T-Mobile) is pulling fiber optics from 460th south of Wanamingo west through town.  Arvid will send the township a formal letter.    

Motion to adjourn by Tom and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:38 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, December 16, 2021, 2021, at 5:30 PM
Wanamingo Township December Meeting Minutes
    December 16, 2021

The December meeting of the Wanamingo Township Board was called to order at approximately 5:30 PM on Thursday, December 16, 2021, by Vice-Chairman John Hegseth.  Member’s present were Supervisors; John Hegseth, and Kerry Olson. Supervisor Tom Shane was absent. Clerk; Tamra Berg and Treasurer; Nancy Hegseth.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Clerk’s report was read by Tamra. Motion by John to approve the minutes with the correction of Arvid to Arvig and remove the 2nd 2021 noted in next meeting. 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.  Treasurer's report was read by Nancy.  Motion by Kerry to approve the treasurer’s report.  2nd by John.  Motion carries.  

Present bills: John made a motion to pay the bills.  2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries.

Building Permits: none

Old Business:
Maps done for County for mileage: Still need to have Tamra and Kerry review the township roads on a map and we will need to give that information along with copies of our townline road agreements to the County.  Will have to see if Leon has found an agreement and how current the one with Holden Township is.
Planning & Zoning: nothing to report
    Road Updates:  Kerry stated that things went okay after the first snow event.  He did however get the snowplow stuck by Hakon’s on Dec. 11.  Could not pull it out with the grader and did not want to damage anything so a wrecker was called.  Kerry also checked the roads after the Dec. 15th storm and said there was tree/limb cleanup that needed to be done.  He has also talked with James Berquam about trimming the trees along 63rd Ave. and James stated it was okay to do that.  John had received a call that 40 Acres Trail was drifted on Dec. 11 and some residents could not get out.  Kerry stated that was the day he got the snowplow stuck and that caused the delay in getting to all the roads as soon as he wanted to.
Bridges:  L0698 Bridge paperwork is all in order with the County.  Kerry has spoken with Richard Berquam with an update that construction work is planned for the spring of 2022.
Boyum Pit:  Tamra has sent another email to the County requesting an update and has not gotten a reply.  Discussion about how the township could get the property accessed in order to get the money needed to get the mining pit reclaimed.
Minimum maintenance roads have been closed but somebody keeps opening the gates on both.  It’s assumed to be hunters on the “West Woods” but not sure who would need to open the one on 420th St. Way.

New Business:
    November calls for service were 23
    Mentioned to the board the following emails that the clerk has received:
Email: Additional disbursement of ARP dollars
    Email: Nuvera Goodhue County, Hwy 52 and 8 Bridge relocate; Engineering Plans
    Email: From Corey Wersal concerning L0698. Forwarded the email to supervisors
    Email: From Ethan Seaberg stating L0698 is good to go.
    Tamra has also received a letter from the law office of Randall S. Fudge requesting payment to Frontier for damage to their box by James Wilkus’s property on 70th Ave.  Tamra sent an email to the supervisors with a copy of the letter asking how we want to proceed. John said he contacted the MAT attorney for advice.  He was told to send that attorney’s office an email stating Wanamingo Township is not liable for that damage.  MAT attorney did say if we get any more requests from that attorney, we will need to hold a special meeting to discuss what the township’s actions would be.  Copy of John’s email sent to Fudge Law is on file.
    2022 Township Election: Kerry (Supervisor) is up for re-election as well as Tamra (Clerk).  Will need to think about judges. Leah Shane and Nancy Hegseth could be judges.  Rae Rusnak and Dorothy Hjermstad can also be considered.  Bonnie Hermann and Chad Quiggle have also expressed an interest so we’ll have to check with what training they would need.  We will still use paper roster. Filing dates: December 28 – January 11 – $2 filing fee - Candidate filing closes on the 11th at 5pm, your office will need to be open from 1pm to 5pm. January 13 – Last day for a candidate to withdraw from the election. Your office must be open until 5pm.

Other Business: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Motion to adjourn by John and 2nd by Kerry.  Motion carries
Meeting adjourned at 6:22 PM    
Next Meeting on Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 5:30 PM






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